
This site is run by LearnVid Education. The focus of our network of educational websites is on providing clear, complete, free information to readers. Our sites are targeted — the reading audience is there for a specific reason, and thus represents a prime group for advertisers.

We provide many opportunities for advertising on our websites — from banner and other display ads, affiliate partnerships, through to custom-created promotional content, complete advertising buy-out, and more. You can have your message shown to our entire audience, or choose only a subset of it, based on geographical region and/or other criteria. We charge very competitive rates, and you can start getting your ad in front of a specific, targeted audience with budgets as low as $150. Contact us at

contact AT langvid DOT COM

to let us know what you’re looking for, and one of our team will get back to you with more information.

In many cases, we can work with you to design a display campaign that fits in well with the website you want to advertise on. We pride ourselves on maintaining personal relationships with our advertisers, and can work out a plan that works perfectly for you and your company’s needs and budget.